Thursday, March 5, 2015

RASMI: Kenyataan FAM mengenai isu pembakaran suar di stadium

In lieu of the burning of flares and fireworks at the stadiums, Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) wishes to shed some light into the guidelines regulating the issue.

In circumstances where flares were let off, the appointed Match Commissioner, Referee Assessor and the Officiating Referee will then submit an in-depth match report within the timeframe of 24 hours after the match has ended to the FAM. FAM will conduct a thorough examination of the facts before determining the need to issue a show cause letter. Upon verification of the facts, if found necessary, FAM through its Legal Department will then serve a show cause letter to the responsible Football Association in which they will have a timeline of ordinarily seven (7) days to reply with a comprehensive explanatory letter together with supporting evidence.

FAM will deliberate on the matter based on the said explanation by referring to the following statutes before delivering their final judgment:

a) Article 70 of the FAM Disciplinary Code governing Liability for Spectator Conductwhich states that:

          1. The home team or home club is liable for improper conduct among spectators, regardless of                  the question of culpable conduct or culpable oversight, and depending on the situation, may                be fined. Further sanctions may be imposed in the case of serious disturbances.

          2. The visiting team or visiting club is liable for improper conduct among its own group of                       spectators, regardless of the question of culpable conduct or culpable oversight, and                             depending on the situation, may be fined. Supporting supporters occupying the away sector                  of a stadium are regarded as the visiting association’s supporters, unless proven contrary.

          3. Improper conduct includes violence towards persons or objects, letting off incendiary                           devices, throwing missiles, displaying insulting or political slogans in any form, uttering                     insulting words or sounds, or invading the pitch.

          4. The liability described in par. 1 and 2. Also includes matches played on neutral ground,                        especially during final competitions.

b) Article 52 (c)of FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations governing Flares and Fireworks which serves as a point of reference to the FAM:

          i. The stadium safety and security management team must adopt and enforce a clear policy                      prohibiting spectators from bringing flares, fireworks or other forms of pyrotechnics into the                stadium. This should be clearly stated in the stadium code of conduct.

         ii. Any event activities which include pyrotechnic display must be included in the fire risk                        assessment and a formal plan prepared, which must be approved by the fire services and local              authorities.

c) Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act 1958 which also serves as a point of reference to the FAM.

The severity of the punishment and/or fine will depend on the nature of the offence. The said Football Association reserves a right to appeal to the FAM’s decision within two days commencing from the communication of the decision as per Article 135 of the FAM Disciplinary Code.

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